Meditation Alone Doesn’t Lower Blood Pressure: Study

Physical therapy researcher Marshall Hagins of Long Island University in Brooklyn said he was disappointed with the results, but only because he wanted the program to show benefits. “MBSR does lots of positive things, however, if you are an individual with stage one hypertension not currently on medication, and lowering your blood pressure is your goal, then MBSR may not be the optimal program,” Hagins said. “It’s important to remember that this study was limited to a highly standardized stress reduction program, and the results do not apply to other techniques,” he told Reuters Health. Some examples include Tai Chi and Transcendental Meditation. A 2007 summary report published by the U.S.
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Is Your Blood Pressure in Check? Does weight affect blood pressure? High blood pressure is more common in people who are overweight or obese. But studies show that losing weight has benefits in lowering high blood pressure. Losing weight may also help reduce medications needed to control high blood pressure. If you are overweight, talk to your doctor about a healthy weight loss plan .
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Meditation alone doesn’t lower blood pressure

But Tobe said in his mind, the study results could be the final answer to the question regarding this particular population and method of stress reduction. Stress reduction exercises like gentle stretching, mindful breathing and walking do not pose any harm to people with early-stage hypertension, he noted. Within the study, a minority of participants reported dissatisfaction with the mindfulness meditation classes and exercises. Most reported that they felt better.
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